Friday, February 22, 2008

Uptight reviewer or am I a smut?

Two Adelaide reviews.

Two very different opinions.

1. “one of the hottest tickets in town”

2. “thank god she kept her clothes on”

I feel a bit ill.

Over the course of the life of STARKERS it’s had a total of 5 reviews. Four stunning reviews and today the first shit one.

It’s irked me. You know why?

He calls me a smutty feminist. Hello Mr. Beige.

I know what people are gonna say when I tell them - “it’s just one opinion, Andrea”. I’m not stupid, and compared to every other review I can’t help but assume that this guy has kinda missed the point.

But it’s haunting me.

I have a strange desire to meet this reviewer and find out what give him his jollies.

But I know if I did, it wouldn’t amaze me when I discovered he was into Carl Barron or Chopper. He'd love sitting in the front row of a Dave Hughes show, to him that would be comedy gold – just like watching his wife do the dishes.

And I’ll thank my lucky stars that he’s not a fan of mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you'll find I'm a pretty good reviewer. I'd like more nudity though, please.