Monday, May 14, 2007

I'm gonna learn me some new words...

I don't a have a particularly strong vocabulary. It's pretty weak. It's like little choir boy arms. But I'm gonna fix this. HOW? Give myself 3 - 5 new words a week to use as frequently as I can. To the right is the first list of words I am going to start with. But after this week, I'll be taking suggestions from all you bookbusters. Give me some big wanky words guys!


Lindsay said...

I will trade some new words for some new posts. Here's a taste: Cartesian.

Lindsay said...

Oooh and also I am reading the same book. Interesting.....

Anonymous said...

Hey hey!
Congrats about the STA job!

I suggest the word - verisimilitude. It is long, sounds cute and rolls off the tongue nicely.
When something appears to be true, it has a high verisimilitude.
Ive always wanted to use it and never got a chance :)

Andrea Gibbs said...

Yo T-Dog! The dictionary suggests the use of the word 'verisimilitude' like so.... 'The play lacked verisimilitude.'

I love it when dictionaries tell you how to use a words. It allows you to sound real smart , more quick!